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The ego is the feeling

That I exist, separate, independent

I think, therefore I am

And so is the world

In deep sleep

Where no thoughts reside

Into what great void

Does the world disappear

No world, no me

And yet great bliss

Can any amazing dream

Provide the same relief

Yet I know

That I slept soundly

Who is that slept

And who is it that knows

When awake

I talk to myself

Are there two I’s

Which is the real me?

The stillness of thought

Brings great peace

For there is no I, no world

What remains is infinite bliss

Different paths

Are advised

To glimpse this true nature

Expansive as the sky

Some surrender the ego

To a great God

Some numb the mind

By working through the body

Some focus on their trade

Losing themselves in the art

Some with strong intellect

Cut the mind with the mind

All paths take one

To the deepest knowing

Where we all meet

Finally united, finally complete



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