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Dear Anxiety

Your best friends

fear and guilt

accompany you

Fuelled by imagination

You steal all the peace

Oh this happened, fear reminds

Worry, worry, sweat, sweat

The past haunts

Stories of things gone wrong

The future daunts

Visions of sorrows unfold

A real incident

but may occur once

In the mind’s eye

they occur a million times

The body reacts in panic

As if the story was real

The mind suffers more

Random dots made into patterns

Tired and weary

Wanting to run away

Where to, known not

Just far far, from here

This moment right now

Has no issues

But lost in the woes

The bliss is begone

Deep inside it is known

That this is a madness that prevails

Wishing to just let go

But held back by guilt

Pain is inevitable

Suffering is optional

This piling of events

Makes a mountain of a molehill

So dear guilt and fear

Please vacate this home

There is no more room

Your lease is over

For new tenants arrive

They who cant live with you

One goes by the name of LOVE

And whose friend is called PEACE


Walk through fire

In every obstacle lies a new possibility In every sorrowful loss hides an awakening Walk through fire Dance through it Come out strong...

Price we pay

A few lies uttered To escape a reprimand A mountain of stories created To support one untruth One slip and the mountain crashes Killing...

The Void

Blue-black expanse of sky, Without beginning, without end Wisps of clouds arise, move across and pass Some clouds are my emotions, some...


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