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Free Spirit

She trusted blindly…

And knew when not to

She travelled alone

Left the house to strangers

No doors locked

The world was nonplussed

This is not the ways of the world

What a crazy girl she is

Careless to the core

Irresponsible they called her

And asked “ I hope she knows what she is doing?”

She followed her heart for

The angels deserted her if she did not

Without questioning too much

For the answers were within her

So follow she did, paying no heed to the rules

She broke a few hearts, and her own

She questioned the trodden path

And forged her own

Unheard of, to do so, time and again

So They asked “ I hope she knows what she is doing?”

She said it as she saw it, mincing no words

Didnt lie, no matter the price

Cheated no soul no matter the temptation

There was magic in her tongue

Her words become a reality

She made no efforts to make money

But wealth followed

She made no efforts to make friends

But true relationships happened

Oh she makes it all look so easy , it must be luck

They saw that it worked for her

But they asked “ I hope she knows what she is doing?”

She gave the kids love

Her actions not based on fear

Oh what a terrible mother

She does not love them at all

They fall and she ignores

No run to hug and comfort

She makes them work

When she can afford the best help

She teases and prods and makes them cry

‘Oh what a terrible mother’

They saw the kids bloom

they said “ I hope she knows what she is doing?”

She lived true to her own soul

Not seeking approval

Evolving each day

She bloomed and blossomed

Like the unfurling of a thousand petalled lotus

Giving her all, to all that came her way

She hid no feelings, but bared it all,

No pretence, no penance,

no shame, no guilt

All that remained was a heart full of love

Live like I have learnt to ,she said, a free spirit

each moment true and eternal

Don’t shackle your soul to work that is not joyful

To goodies that are meant to win approval

To fears that are not real

Seeking joy outside, scared of one’s own self,

they listened, they nodded, they praised

But it can’t work for us

And nor can it for her

So they waited for her to stumble and fall

So they could then sagely say

“ah but I always knew that she knows not what she does”



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