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Life is infinite possibilites

There are no problems in life, just infinite possibilities. We often close our minds to all that can be, and caught up in what we want it to be. Having a vision and goals is a great tool to decipher life with, for just in itself, life has no major purpose or meaning, apart from the one we consciously give it, or the one that descends upon you through destiny. It is also great to be able to stick to our vision, irrespective of the challenges that face us. But if we get too attached our way of how things should happen, then our life becomes stressful.

If we take our goals too seriously, we fall in the danger of not flowing with what is evolving in a dynamic world. We end up limiting our options, instead of capitalising on what new promises the current moment brings with it. If we can face reality as it is, and make adjustments to our plans, and allow for a different option to emerge, we may find that what evolves may be way beyond what our limited mind could could have imagined.

Our need to avoid pain and prefer pleasure or comfort is often the root of most of our resistance to life. If we became comfortable with discomfort, there is nothing left to fear and then we can live life fully.

Everything that can be considered a problem, holds the potential of an awakening in it. It holds an invitation of letting go of the identities we hold dear and which cause us suffering. It covers a serendipity that eventually takes us to where we will bloom and flourish, no matter how insane the current moment may appear.

In an infinite universe, lies infinite possibilities. The veil of illusion shows us only a finite body within which we are enclosed, finite wealth we can own, finite friendships we can nurture and finite opportunities we can explore. When we unveil our clouded vision, we see every turn of events holds an array of eventualities, each with its own unique journey, and it may not matter much which path you choose, for all paths eventually will lead to the same destination, if you walk long enough.

If a child passes a board exam, the obvious possibility is college. If they fail, they could take up some vocational training, learn an art, learn a skill, take up a job, become an entrepreneur, a designer or an actor. If we lose all that we have, we could go anywhere from there, with nothing to stop us and nothing left to lose. If we lose friends, we could create new ones, change our personality, or learn to enjoy our own company.

What if we could treat life as a great adventure, a quest to embark on! What if we looked at each problem we face and say to it, “I see you for what you are. An invitation for me to look at life afresh, to live free, to love deeply, to connect fully and to discard the unessential. What if we could look at each uncertainty and say, “I am waiting with eagerness and excitement, to see what scenery the next turn of the road brings.” What if we let go of every idea and notion we hold dear and see what life has in store for us?


What will happen to me;

Will I lose my job, or my shame;

Will I fall and become lame

Or die under a fallen tree.

What will happen to my child

Will she suffer, will she cry

Will she be left high and dry

Or she become really wild

What will happen to the world

Will there be war, or fire

Will there be floods, or tsunamis

Or global warming too high

These thoughts bother me every day

Making me toss in my sleep

Wanting control over my fate

My expectations - a noose on my neck

What a burden I carry

My shoulders are too small

And my heart too weary

The problems too large for me

Tired of this finite vision

One day I lay aside my thoughts

I gift myself golden hours

And surrender to the infinite beyond

Bring what you bring to me, I say

Pain or pleasure, it matters none

For all this is but a passing moment

A blip on a never-ending screen

Infinite possibilities opened up

As I realise life is so easy, resistance gone

Que sera sera, what will be, will be

I now live each day, like this one day.

1 Comment

Let the flow of nature take charge, present myriad opportunities, and we choose one among those and experience, and this process continues indefinitely as long as we live. Our goals sometimes resist the flow, then we should align our goals to the nature than fight it. Knowing distinction between what is complacency and what is surrendering to the flow is the key.

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