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What am I made of?

Science says we are 99.99% space.

Huh!! What!! And what is this .01% comprised of?

Air, Water, Nitrogen, Carbon, Minerals, Micro-organisms....

What is the outside comprised of?

Air, Water, Nitrogen, Carbon, Minerals, Micro-organisms....

But there must be some difference because clearly I am I and the outside is the outside. The objects are real and I can see them.

But the air is moving in and out, so are the micro organism, so is the is ....

Hmm...I can see a body for sure, and it seems to be separate from everything else.

Yes, even on a movie screen we can see objects. They do seem real, but they are only projections, are they not.

That is different.

Okay, how about a river? You see a river but all it is is ever changing water. Isn't the river an illusion of being one thing?

Are we like a river? It can't be. There is an apple and here I am

I ate the apple. Now ?

Oops! You are just trying to drive me nuts. I am off.

Sure, but there are more micro-organisms in your body than cells. Are you sure you are still you?

Bye! Don't call me.


We are water

In an ocean

Appearing to ourselves

As waves

Separate and disconnected

We lament that one wave

Is bigger than another

Or reaches farther

Than the rest

We mourn the wave

Which crashes against the mountains

And envy the one

Which gathers the most shells

We become restless

And keep seeking

Looking for the water

Out in the shore

Forgetting that we

Are the water in the wave

Like the gold in a chain

Or the clay in a pot



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