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Who am I

Who am I?

10 years back..

UM: You keep saying I, I. Who is this I you refer to?

Me: What do you mean. I am right in front of you. Can’t you see me?

UM: You mean your body? If your hair is cut, are you gone with it? If you get a heart transplant, is it still you? You can seem to sense a hand even before it touches you. So where does your body end? Your skin is shed constantly. You are breathing in what I breathe out, and parts of my body, is being exhaled constantly. You eat food, drink water.

Me: I am all the parts put together

UM: If you are not any of the parts, how can be the sum of the parts Who is it that claims, this is my body? If you can say my chair, you are clearly not the chair. Likewise, if you can say my body, you can’t be it.

Me: Forget the body. I am my mind. I think, therefore I am.

UM: Which thought are you?

Me: oops.. this is very confusing. I am right in front of you and yet you keep asking me who I am. I am the daughter of ..

UM: are you not the mother of …Are you a mother or a daughter. If you are both, how can you be either?

Me: I am a business person

UM: That is what you do? Did you not exist before you started a business?

Me: I am my values, and qualities. I am generous, lazy and honest.

UM: Are you always generous? In every situation? Are you always lazy. If it is changing can it be you?

Me: What is the right answer?

UM: That is the treasure hunt, my dear friend. Find the I.


Hey there, Can you please help

I can’t find me

I looked everywhere

But I can’t find me

If I describe myself

Do you think you could help

I looked everywhere

But I can’t find me

I am a brown haired girl

Oh! But wait

If I shave my head

Will you still find me

I have a beautiful heart

Oh! But wait

I have hated in the past

Will you still find me

I have a creative mind

Oh! But wait,

My thoughts keep changing

How then will you find me

I am a mother

Oh! But wait

I am a daughter and much more

How then will you find me

I am generous

Oh! But wait

I am not always so

How then will you find me

I look everywhere

In my body, in my mind

I find nothing

That defines me

Help! I can't find me.



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