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Workbook - Identities

Awareness of Identities

Write / Draw / Record your responses to this question

Q1.1 Who am I?

Note the identities you hold and answer the following.

Q2.1 Can you find an "I" that is not in relation to something else?

Q2.2 Can you find an "I" that is unchanging or has an unaltered essence?

Q2.3 Note down the different contexts in which "I"stands out for you.

Q2.4 Is the nature of your true existence beyond the dependent identities within your experience?

Attachment of Identities

Q3.1 Which identities do you strongly identify with?

Q3.2 Which identities do you carry lightly?

Q3.3 Which identities are you entangled with?

Q3.4 Which identities are you carrying out of context?

Analysis of Identities

Pick an identity that is entangled with yours and observe the following .

Q4.1 Which identities you pursued in order to bring you joy, but are not doing so?

Q4.2 What is the nature of the entanglement (guilt, fear, need and/or expectation)?

Q4.3 Contrast this with identities that bring you joy. What is the difference?

Q4.4 Can you observe your entangled identity from the lens of them being a stranger to you. Notice what shifts for you?

Comparison of Identities

Q.5.1 Observe which identities of yours are normally subject to comparison?

Q. 5.2 Observe if your comparison helps you evolve and grow or does it upset you.

Expansion of Identities

Q 6.1 Which identity can you expand in the present moment to offer you joy?

Denial of identities

Q7.1 What are the identities that you have denied yourself?

Q.7.2 What will change if you no longer deny yourself that identity?

Q.7.3 Try doing an activity that you have limited yourself from because of a denied identity.

Dissolution of identities

Q8.1 Record any moment, you can remember, when you were free of all identities? How did it feel?

Q8.2 Can you try living one day without holding onto an identity?

Q8.3 At which moments do you need the identity?

Q8.4 Can you use it as a map and drop the identity once it’s purpose is done?

Formation of Identities

Q3.1 Try to keep your mind as it would be if it was newly born into the world. What identities, thoughts, notions, ideas and concepts would be existent?

Q.3.2 Drop anything that a newly born mind would cannot cognize. How does it feel as you do this?

Q.3.3 Can you trace back through your life to see if you can trace the path of how each identity formed?

Crafting new identities

Q9.1 Think of a goal you have in mind, where you feel inadequate. Who would be an ideal role model? Can you experiment with taking on the identity of the role model while at the task?

Q9.2 Can you pick any identity that you can start crafting towards a better state?

What changes does it bring?


Workbook -Self talk

Q1.1 Focus on the following ways you could talk to yourself as mentioned below, as if you really believe it and it is true. How does...


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