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Workbook - Labels

Exploring labels

Q1.1 Make a list of -

Labels you have given yourself

Labels others give you

Labels you think others are giving you, even if they have not expressed it openly.

Dissecting labels

Q2.1 What are all the things you have done (or have not done) to identify with a particular label? How has it/does it affect your life?

Q2.2 What are all the things you have done (or have not done) in order to prove that you are not that label? How has it /does it affect your life?

Q2.3 Do you know how or why a label stuck to you?

Q2.4 Are you that, in every moment of your life? Or are you also the opposite‌? Which of them dominates, and are you sure it dominates?

Q2.5 Which label has been used often for you, by completely unrelated groups? Is there any truth in it? Is there some behaviour or pattern that needs correction?

Dropping labels

Q3.1 When you let go of a label for yourself, how does it feel?

Giving labels

Q4.1 What labels have you given the people you interact with?

Q4.2 Observe if the label is really true for them or if you are perceiving situations wrongly because of the labels you have attached to them?

Q4.3 Drop the label you hold for the person and see if something shifts

Q4.3 Observe if you easily use labels for others in a light manner but if directed towards you, you hold it strongly.

Using labels as a tool

Q.5.1 Experiment by consciously giving yourself positive labels which will help you move towards desired behaviour, and drop it when not required. Observe what happens.

Q5.2 Experiment by giving yourself negative labels as a motivator to cut out undesired behaviour, and drop it when not required. Observe what happens.

Q.5.3 Correct your behaviour as needed without giving yourself a label. Observe what happens, and use whichever works well for you as a tool.



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